Tuesday, January 8, 2013

32 Weeks

32 week baby bump

Life has been super full the last few weeks between holiday fun, working on our new house (more on that soon), visiting with family and such that I can hardly believe how long it has been since I posted.  Sorry to all of you who feel neglected again...
Everything has continued to progress right on schedule.  Baby is head down and has been for the last few weeks, so we'll see if there is any last minute flipping.  Overall I feel really good, a little more tired and I get out of breath more quickly, but that's to be expected.  I'm enjoying the bigger baby movements and watching the bumps and jumps that happen.  I still can't believe how close to the end we are!

Baby stats (approximately):
15.2 to 16.7 in
2.5 to 3.8 lb
Major brain and nerve development
Eye development; irises now react to light
The five senses are in working order
More fat developing

1 comment:

~ Leah said...

Are you adorable or what?!