Wednesday, October 24, 2012

21 Weeks

21 week baby bump

This has been a week of just ordinary life.  Getting the house clean, making dinners, working and loving Jesus with all that I am.  We've hit the head cold season in our house, but I think that we are almost done.  Josh felt the baby move this week, which was a much looked forward to event.  Little Bean continues to move around often and I can feel the movements much clearer, which I love!  Life is blessed and there are so many hidden blessings that we miss out on because we move to fast.  This week was a conscious effort to thank my good God for all that He is, all that He has done, and all that He has given to me.  Oh that we might know Him more!

Baby stats (approximately):
10.5 in
(I believe that we have now started measuring from the feet to crown)
12.7 oz
Digestive system is preparing for the outside world
Eyelids and eyebrows have formed, which means Little Bean can blink
Bone marrow has started making blood cells
Small intestines is starting to absorb small amounts of sugar

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

20 Weeks

20 week baby bump

20 weeks = half way!  It's actually really hard for me to believe that we are at this point already, at least most days.  Like so many other times in my life, I have to ask where has the time gone?  Things are going well and for that I am so thankful!  This past week we had another midwife appointment.  Everything is looking good and right on track.  Little Bean's heart rate was in the upper 140's.  A big milestone this week has been feeling Baby move!  I wasn't sure what I was feeling was actually "it" the first few times, but there's no question now.  So far, we seem to have quite the active little person.  = )

Baby stats (approximately):
6.5  in
10.6 oz
Has working tastebuds
Gulping several ounces of amniotic fluid each day (significantly more than before)
Has established sleep habits
Recognizes Daddy and Mommy's voices

Thursday, October 11, 2012

19 Weeks

19 week baby bump

Baby stats (approximately):
6.0 in
8.5 oz
Developing a protective coating over skin, called vernix caseosa
Nerve cells for taste, hearing, sight smell are developing in the brain
Arms and legs are in proportion to the body now

And instead of an update, I thought you all might enjoy this.  = )

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

18 Weeks

18 week baby bump

Well, not much to report this week.  I am continuing to feel good, sleep lots and eat.  Still waiting to feel Little Bean move.  Midwife appointment next week, but other than that there is not a whole lot going on.  = ) Here's to a week of growth, good food and enjoying this time of life.

Baby stats (approximately):
5.6 in
6.7 oz
Yawning, hiccuping and swallowing
Twisting, rolling, punching and kicking
Getting stronger everyday