Thursday, December 13, 2012

28 Weeks

28 week baby bump

So sorry to have neglected you all the last couple weeks.  Despite my good intentions, I never got around to posting.  Oh well.  As you can see, we're continuing to grow.  = )

Third trimester, here we come.  Kicks have been stronger and I have been able to feel movement more frequently.  We had a midwife appointment this week and everything continues to look good, head down and everything.  Life has been busy, so the most challenging part right now is eating frequently enough in between whatever I am doing that I don't feel sick.
Basically it seems like I eat constantly.  = )

Baby stats (approximately):
13.6 to 14.8 in
1.5 to 2.2 lb
More fat is developing
Lungs are maturing
Growing lots


Meghann said...

Beautiful as always! I'm so thankful that you're keeping this blog! Then I can feel somewhat connected :-) miss you!

Katrina Marie said...

Looking good, Hannah! I am exactly one week ahead of you and a very similar size. :) And I know what you mean about needing to eat a lot! My main challenge is getting enough protein since my midwives want me to be eating 80-100 grams a day! AND because my iron has been low, I am also trying to eat iron-rich foods. Just keeping up with food is crazy...but worth it!

Praying for you and little Baby Day!

Hannah said...

@ Meghann: Thank you, as always! I can't wait until you come back!

@ Katrina: Thanks! Josh and I have really enjoyed keeping up with your blog as well and we are excited for you and Nathan and the blessing of Baby Britton. Here's to lots of good food and healthy babies. = )