Thursday, September 27, 2012

17 Weeks

17 week baby bump

I was really hoping to have a real update out a bit sooner than this, but alas, that didn't happen.  Oh well... better late than never, right?

Well, let me start out by saying that this has been a good week!  I have felt good, been able to enjoy food (and keep it down, which is always a plus =) ), and I feel more like a person than a slug.  I have enjoyed being pregnant the whole time, even though the start was a bit rough, but I am really enjoying it this week.  As you can see, "Little Bean" is growing nicely.  The last week or two it really seems like the baby bump has popped.  I have had two midwife appointments, and everything is looking good.  Baby's heart rate has been in the high 130's to mid 140's.  I haven't felt any movement yet, but hopefully that will happen in the next couple of weeks.  For those of you who have asked and those of you who are wondering, we are not going to find out if Little Bean is a boy or a girl.  We're looking forward to the surprise.  = )

Baby stats (approximately):
5.1 in
5.9 oz
Cartilage turning into bone
Getting a little meat on the bones
Can hear the outside world
Taste buds are forming
Growing hair, lashes and eyebrows
Getting active

Can I just say how amazing the development of a baby is!  There is so much that happens and so much that has to been coordinated.  How can you not believe in a Divine Creator?!

I also thought I would share a video that was passed along to me.  Pretty amazing!


Meghann said...

Grow little one grow! Hannah you look pregnant! So exciting =D long awaited phase of life. Enjoy the journey. Love Meg

Anonymous said...

Oh your bump looks shall I say cute. ;) So excited for you and your husband.. :)))